Asian Woman Mystery Paintings on Row of History

Asia is the heart of the world culture and heritage from the begaining of the human civilization . Harapa , Mahenja-daro ,Alexandria, Mesopotamia are a few example of that claims.

Sunday, 7 July 2013

Modernity of Indian Women Via Canvas of Asian Lady Webmaster

India and modern life may be the most discussed matter among the intellectuals around the globe but only a few know the reality of India. Woman is the essential part of human race as it is proved that no human race can continue with out woman. Unfortunately, Indian women are till out of reach of modern facilities except a few from aristocrat families. Asian Lady Webmaster tries her canvases on this issue of modernity and Indian women.Just think...

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Modern Fashion Painting and Asian Women's Emotion

Painting and woman are the head and tail of a coin as ancient days to till . But here is the query comes, why woman are used in painting mostly and what are the main reasons behind this tactics? We have asked this questions to some well known painting artists but there is such clear cut replies from them. However my own experience and experts replies are summarized bellow- 1. Women are naturally beautiful creation of God. 2. Women has attractive...