Painting and woman are the head and tail of a coin as ancient days to till . But here is the query comes, why woman are used in painting mostly and what are the main reasons behind this tactics? We have asked this questions to some well known painting artists but there is such clear cut replies from them. However my own experience and experts replies are summarized bellow-
1. Women are naturally beautiful creation of God.
2. Women has attractive power more than any other.
3. Women can expose objectives with less words.
4. Women have sensitive body parts with induction ability
5. Women are more emotional than any other.
There are other factors too but I have listed a few among them. Here are the creation of Asian Lady Webmaster about Women emotion and life style via canvas. Check out -
Modern Fashion Painting and Asian Women's Emotion
Younger Emotion on Woman: Teenage may be the best time of womanhood as per my experience says like similar tones.
Younger Emotion on Woman: Fashion and Life style related to the environment of woman either in Asian countries or any where around the globe.
Younger Emotion on Woman: Fully grown or adulthood gives more practical experience of woman life hood where time are passed waiting for some one who can bear the partnership or marry.
Younger Emotion on Woman: Asian woman , particularly Indian are normally more domestic than any other, so after marriage, they change their life style.
Younger Emotion on Woman: Controlling on wishes and wearing has been imposed after domestic life.
Younger Emotion on Woman: Domestic life carries lots of burdens and hardship but still they don't miss to dream high for future either day dream or night dream.