Asian Woman Mystery Paintings on Row of History

Asia is the heart of the world culture and heritage from the begaining of the human civilization . Harapa , Mahenja-daro ,Alexandria, Mesopotamia are a few example of that claims.

Friday, 30 March 2012

Modern Paintings Show that Mother always loves her children more than own life or future

Modern Paintings Show that Mother always loves her children more than own life or future as children are the future of any nation or the whole world. Happy mother expressed happiness by seeing her child in playing mood Mother always take care of her child in any time and any where as they feel safe. Children are the future of the any civilization was canvassed in proper way. Sleeping in peace when elders are waiting around any child. Love the...

Happy Moments of woman are canvassed in modern paintings by lady webmaster

Happy Moments of woman are canvassed in modern paintings by lady webmaster Woman is offering worship to to the lord represents the willing ness to almighty Woman is indicating the willing ness of beautiful life. Woman is offering hard willing ness to her husband or love ones by affectionate warning Woman is offering her willing ness in beautiful nature with harmony of love Woman is offering love to nature via best wishes in deep hea...

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Indian Decent Woman Waiting For Near & Dear One Is Canvased in Modern Paintings

Indian Decent Woman Waiting For Near & Dear One Is Canvased in Modern Paintings. Waiting in bed represent the success of life with previously targeted goal. Waiting with back look shows the meaning of upcoming happiness. Waiting near railway track represents the mourning of dear ones and come back the same. Cooking and waiting for near and dear represent the tradition of woman life with husband. Waiting like jill suggests the permanent...

Indian woman carrying water canvassed the Modern Paintings with real life factors

Carrying water from any pond or small river fro daily life use by the Indian woman is till date a tradition because lack of drinking water resource. Two Indian woman carrying water via vessels represents the friendship of woman in Indian society. Two Indian woman carrying water via vessels represents the normal mood of walking of life. Two Indian woman carrying water via vessels represents the competition of life among friends of family. Two...

Asian Modern Paintings Tries To Draw Attention of Life As How To Survive By Indian Women

Asian Modern Paintings Tries To Draw Attention of Life As How To Survive By Indian Women. Indian woman carries the crops from field represents the hardship of woman. Indian just married woman carries water from pond represents the willing ness of life. Indian woman waiting to carry water from small river represents the self confidence of life. Indian woman carries the tradition of waiting for the moon represents the honor of husband Indian...

Modern Asian Artist Draws the thin long neck woman's outer looks with eternal thinking of life

Asian Artist Draws the thin long neck woman's outer looks with eternal thinking of life. Blue eyes with open hairs represents the eternal side of woman's linking . Blue eyes with combed hairs says the life is systematic ness and perfectness. Blue eyes with open hairs and sitting chair means the waiting of love ones or dear ones. Blue eyes with open hairs represents the mourning of separation of love ones or dear ones. Blue eyes with open hairs...

Asian Modern Paintings With Relaxing Moods Of Woman Due To Peace of Mind

Asian Modern Paintings With Relaxing Moods Of Woman Due To Peace of Mind. Relaxing in Sofa set by a young woman represents the woman's internal and extranal beauties and peaceful ness. Relaxing with friends by young woman represents the hide and chick talks of youths. Relaxing with friends by young woman represents the expression of woman beauty secret. Relaxing with friends by young woman represents the dedication to satisfaction of man. Relaxing...

Long neck Modern Paintings with internal behavior of Women in common life

Long Neck Asian Woman Paintings describes the willing ness of Woman towards the man fortune. Long neck with white rose woman represents the peace of woman minds. Long neck with artificial fan represents the extra self taking peace of woman's mind. Long neck with luxurious sofa sets represents the laziness of woman. Long neck with slow motion represents the avoid nature of woman. Long neck with dinning table represents the eating mania towards...

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Midval Age Paintings Coverage The Human Basic Needs With Entertainment Needs

Midval Age Paintings Coverage The Human Basic With Entertainment Needs This Painting represents the Midval age of Indian History and customs. This Painting represents the midval age customs of Europe. This Painting represents the connection of music with God with father,Son and Holy spirit. This Painting represents the American colonial township in midval. This Painting represents the Chinese life in midval time with partial vi...

Modern Painting Needs No Skills Through The Eyes Of Artists Every Where For Creations

Modern Painting Needs No Skills Through The Eyes Of Artists Every Where for creation of arts works. This represents Artificial flood of civilized society or modern township. This represents Artificial western culture impact on wild life. This represents Artificial machinery life of new generation. This represents Artificial affection towards the wild life.    This represents Artificial hard ness of Modern life which Needs...